Friday, November 20, 2009

Hunkering. Stage 1

I am hunkering down for the cold season here. For those of you in warmer climes, this does not mean harvesting the most recent peas and looking forward to beans and switching from summer tank tops to cotton sweaters. No, this has other aspects.

Such as: moving motorcycles back into the basement. Please note, I did not do that; The Jr Boy + his good friend did and the rolling stock is nicely set up in its winter home. All the rolling stock, that is, but my little Honda Twinstar which was relegated to winter in the (unheated) garage once The Jr Boy acquired His Blonde and which seems to have been left out on the bike moving again. I'm not sure it would know what to do down there with all the big guys but I think it might like to try it out. Fortunately, The Jr Boy has promised a return visit to organize the garage. Moving one more bike isn't on his radar but it's on mine....

Such as: finding the snow shovels and moving the Garden Refuse Bin to the back of the line because the Garden Refuse Guys will not be back until Spring no matter how many tonnes of pine needles fly out of the interface trees with which I am surrounded and which will take several weeks of filling said Bin to stuffingdom (including possible jumping upon) in Spring to get the ground fire hazard somewhat under control....

Such as: figuring out how to clean and re-base my skis. I've never had to do this. There seems to be a can of something in the wax box which is labelled Stripper. My guess: it's for cleaning my skis and not for creating an ephemeral ChipRDale. A new and broadening adventure awaits...

Such as: adding layers. At the moment, I have on wool socks, jeans, camisole, t-shirt, sweater, and cashmere scarf. Yesterday, I had on all that plus a fleece vest and a great felt hat. The furnace is at 18 degrees only because The Jr Boy came by today and told me that the 14 degrees I did have the furnace set at was actually an air conditioning setting. I am glad to have a working furnace and gas coming into the house. I hate paying the gas bill....

Such as: there are eleventy-three unfinished knitting projects including one lace shawl that was kicking my backside until I suddenly realized that I have knit enough of it to make a lovely Seasilk neckwarmer. Eleventy-two ufos now. Hehehehehe....

Still breathing.....


Anonymous AlisonH said...

My daughter gobsmacked me today by saying one doesn't wear sweaters with blouses; a jacket, yes.

What, pray tell, would you wear a sweater WITH, then? I told her she had clearly grown up in a warm climate, to which she happily pleaded guilty.

"California Dreaming" was co-written by a southern (we're northern) Californian girl who, trying to dress for New York winter weather, bought herself a wool dress. Backless, sleeveless. But wool!

Throw a snowball for me, when you get the chance, if you would. It's easy to miss it when you don't have to shovel it.

2:42 p.m.  

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