Friday, September 19, 2008

This is not a knitting blog

Disclaimer 1. I knit. This may not be too important to most of you but it is important to me as it keeps me from drinking (somewhat) and smoking.

Disclaimer 2. I have a few projects on the go. Well, all right: 8 that I can think of (and that includes 2 things I was knitting for The Sr Boy before he went off on his own adventure).

Disclaimer 3. I have a sort of stash that could be used for a project if I knew what it wanted to be.

Disclaimer 4. I have purchased yarn without knowing why other than it was beautiful and I wanted it.

Disclaimer 5. I have purchased yarn over the interwebs despite having to trust my monitor's colour resolution and learning how to use online payment.

Disclaimer 6. I have given away yarn because I knew the giftee would enjoy it more than me.

Disclaimer 7. I have been given yarn.

Disclaimer 8. I read knitting blogs. A lot of knitting blogs.

Disclaimer 9. I have frogged so often my middle name should be Rana. (I would actually choose Rana aurora which is the Red-legged version and may do so when I get my red leggings knat. Not!)

Disclaimer 10. Knitting in the round? Yes!! Lace? Mmmmm - still waiting for the joy which I think will require serious sofa time with no Mike or Igor or any of the cohort of tube-ish distractions. Everything else is up for consideration.

Disclaimer 11. My mother taught me how and for thirty years I only knit patterns with stockinette because the other stuff was "too hard". That worked right up until I lost the Aran sweater she had made for me and she had lost too much memory to be able to work the patterns to reknit so I took over. Who knew how easy an Aran sweater could be?

Disclaimer 12. I have issues with gauge. Ask The Jr Boy about the sweaters I have made for him in which he could have a party along with six or seven friends. I like to think that this is because I was sure he was, despite excellent evidence to the contrary (um, measuring tape, anyone?), 6' tall and weighed 185#.

Disclaimer 13. I have knit in public most recently last night at a concert with this phenomenal woman but absolutely not while she was singing. Unfortunately, some people who were knitting with their MOUTHS didn't show her the same good manners. Ahemmm

Disclaimer 14. I have been given knitting by dear ones and a total stranger. All have been warm and wonderful.

Disclaimer 15. I have said "You can't afford my time to knit what you want" more than once. That phrase is really code for "You are not that special in my life."

Disclaimer 16. I have knit wool, hemp, silk, seaweed, cotton, acrylic, and fishing line (boredom).

Despite the above, this is still not, in my mind, a knitting blog. Those of you who have ventured in via someone else's comments may have wondered what I was doing making comments on their or their friend's knitting blog when I apparently "Don't Knit". I do. I just don't write about it much as it is a simply a part of my life. My life which includes dealing with loss, grief, stepping-up-to-the-plate, writing, walking, working, staining the deck, caulking the dod-gasted sunroom and breathing.





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