Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Holy Week...

It's Holy Week.

For those of you who don't know what that means, let me say that it is not all Easter eggs and bunnies in baskets. Holy Week is the equivalent of HEdoubleHockeySticks Week for people such as church choir directors (I don't care what denomination you are, you know I'm on to something here)and church secretaries (only a four day week to get all the printing done and collated and stapled if your church budget doesn't go for one of those fancy photocopiers. Give Thanks: it could still be the Olden Days and Gestetner machines and you could be going to church come Sunday still with purple hands - don't ask me how I know this)

It's Holy Week.

Turning tables over. Eating and drinking with friends. Betrayal after betrayal. Suicide. State and church sanctioned murder. Women who refuse to run away.

Holy Week




Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.


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